At NJBC, we believe in the value of formal church membership. The following steps outline how you can become a member of NJBC.
1. Trusting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
The most important step in church membership is having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If you are considering whether or not to make this decision and would like to speak with our pastor, feel free to come to the alter at the end of our service or call the church office. We would love to share with you how you can become a Christ follower. You can also talk to a deacon or staff member about how you can accept Christ.
The first step to church membership is to attend Discovering Church Membership (DCM), which is a staff-led class usually offered on an as-needed basis during the Sunday School hour. This class gives staff a chance to get to know who you are and it gives you a sense of who we are as a church. It’s a great place to get to know others and ask questions. It does not commit you to join, but should you decide to join NJBC, taking the membership class one step in that process. At the end of DCM, you will meet individually with a DCM team member to hear your faith story and to give you an opportunity to join our faith family at that time.
If you have already trusted Jesus Christ, been biblically baptized by immersion following your salvation experience, and are coming from another church, your next step is Number 3.
2. Obedience in Believer’s Baptism by Immersion.
We believe that baptism by immersion following salvation is the correct biblical practice for new Christians. Jesus was immersed when He was baptized, and so we ask the same of those who have made a decision to follow Him. If you would like to be baptized, you can communicate this with our pastor or any deacon at the end of any service or by filling out the invitation card.
3. Committed to abide by our NJBC membership covenant.
We ask all new members to enter into a covenantal relationship with the church. Our membership covenant outlines the commitments and responsibilities of all members, and we ask anyone desiring membership at NJBC to commit to abiding by that covenant. You will have the opportunity to commit to membership at NJBC by signing the membership covenant.
4. Vote of Affirmation by the NJBC faith family.
Once you have completed all the previous steps, the final step to church membership is a vote of affirmation from the NJBC family. We will happily welcome you into our congregation.
5. Completing the Discovering Church Membership class.
To register for DCM, you may sign up by filling out the invitation card in the bulletin.
If you have any questions about membership at NJBC, Call 850.528.4558 or 850.999.1094