The Growth of a Believer

I recently read a devotional that made me think about growth as a believer. New Christians often believe that once they become saved their lives will be trouble free and can’t understand why they would face a crisis; they might find it unreasonable that something bad would happen to them. Mature Christians understand that in our lives we may encounter crisis, persecution, or suffering. Both types of believers might ask “Lord, why is this happening to me?” It’s a simple enough question, but is it really? The question can have two different meanings: the new Christian asks “why me Lord,” the mature Christian asks “what lesson do you want me to learn Lord?” In John 16:33 we are told “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” To new Christians I say, have faith and grow, to mature Christians I say, learn the lesson and teach. Remember that He is always with us through whatever we face. God bless you!