Can you lose your salvation?

It is not God’s will that we have doubts about his will, his calling, his word and his power to save a soul and keep them saved as he has promised, “unto the day of his appearing”.  Many sincere believers battle this.  It’s terrible to be insecure and God is not in it!  It is God’s will the we be free from false doctrines regarding his promise of eternal security. 

One desire of my ministry is to resolve doubt.  One of Daniel’s gifts was resolving doubt.  The king said, “Daniel resolving doubt is in you.”  I enjoy seeing God turn on the light in the life of people. 

Some may say, “Preacher, what about Hebrews 6:1?” This is where we leave the school of the Law of Moses, the law of do’s and do nots, and go on to the school of Christ.  That is the school of perfection in which Christ has accomplished in verses 5 and 6 where we read the words, “they and themselves”

Get this! All scripture is profitable, even warning scriptures. We must let the Holy Spirit direct us. First let’s ask, who was the book of Hebrews written to?  In Hebrews 1:1 we read, who is their fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Jewish people. These people lived in AD 63-64 and there is no indication that these people were saved. There is indication that they had mental accent, they believed Jesus was the Messiah, but not the savior.  They came to the temple and followed the requirement of the Mosaic law, (works). They were good people but they were not saved people.  Some think they were saved but fell away.  But this scripture says it’s impossible; listen – Christians may fall away, but they can come back to Lord.  There is no such thing as a believer going too far for God to forgive them and restore them back into fellowship with him. 

These people in Hebrews were enlightened.  That means they knew more about something (Jesus), they tasted, but did not drink him in.  Jesus said if any man thirst let him taste? No, he said, “let him drink”.  To the woman at well, Jesus said whosoever drinks this water, not taste the water.  Verses-7-8 The ones that taste are the ones who received blessing from God: He is saying your end is to be burned, so your end is coming close.  Verse 9 BUT, (beloved), in 1 John 1 they are not called beloved, but in 1 John 2 they are called beloved.  In 1 John 2 for the first time he uses the word “we”. There are obscure passages of scripture in the bible and there are clear passages of scripture.  Never allow the obscure to rob you of the joy of clear passages.

In John 10:27-30 we read the words, Shall NEVER parish, Gk = You may, never, no way, never ever, cannot, no way.  No one can take us out of the hand of Jesus. I am secure in Jesus and nothing can touch me without touching Jesus.  I’m in Jesus’ and God’s hands, that’s how safe we are. Nowhere does a passage contradict this clear statement of our Lord.

Hebrews 6:10-18  See your, ye, ye saints, we, you, ye – God made a promise to Abraham, and because God could swear by no greater name, he swore by himself, saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. God issued a sworn oath verse 18 That because of two immutable things for those in Christ Jesus have nothing to, rejoice in the faith because it is impossible for God to lie. We might have a strong faith. Why would someone want to keep you insecure? We should have less faith in man’s reasoning than God’s reasoning.

In the Old Testament Joshua ordained 6 cities of refuge, no one could touch those who fled to a refuge city that was run by priest, they ran from the avenger of Blood.  Like us, they found refuge in Jesus.  To lay hold upon the hope set before us: Like many of us they had a weak faith but strong blessing Verse 19 nothing can remove you from him, verse 20.  Heb 6 we see two impossibilities 1. To renew, 2. God’s promise to keep you and bless you. The first was man’s impossibility and the second is God’s ability.

We are in the school of life and it does not give assignments.  It’s the school of life Christ uses to transform us.  Gal. 3 says did you receive the holy spirit by the works of the law or by hearing of faith.  Paul is talking to unperfect people.  Does God work miracles by hearing law or works of faith?

We come to him boldly, not like an abused person, God wants you to know all judgement for his children is gone, there is now no condemnation for those is Christ Jesus.  People bring up passages that you can lose your salvation.  Always remember context has priority over text.  Take text out of context and you end up with the word “con”. God gives a blessed assurance and strong boldness to come into him.  We are his family. If you find a child who is afraid to come to their parents you will find that almost always that child has been abused. 

Some want to make people think they can lose their salvation and it is actually a means to control them.  Only those who are secure in Jesus can rest well.  Get this! Joy and insecurity cannot co-exist.

It is God’s desire for you that you have security, and come to him boldly; all the judgement is past, all that is in front of you is hope.  Every passage I have examined where people try to prove you can lose your salvation, they take text out of context.

Wrong belief will always fail you.  If you have security there is comfort and blessed assurance.  God loves you, accepts you and He is on your side.  I am against sin and I am for repentance and faith.

Some say what about Hebrews 10:26-29, that it is called an obscure passage, John 3:16 is certain clarity and is a clear passage.

Jesus said I give them eternal life and they will never perish. Never in the original language means you will never, never. perish or else Jesus lied. Some think God is on their side until the next sin.  John 3:16 says who-so-ever, are you a who-so-ever? 

Do you know the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, the salvation that is eternally secure?  Not because you’re good, not because you’ve joined the church and been baptized, not because of any good you have done.  The salvation in Christ comes to us by acknowledging that we have sinned and we accept that Jesus paid our sin debt on the cross and we accept him as our personal savior.