Coronations and Crowns

Kings and queens receive crowns on their coronation day. Princes received crowns after victorious battles, Roman participants received crowns after completing events in the Olympic games. As Christians, death is said in the bible to be a coronation. We will be worthy of receiving a crown. James 1:12 says “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” We should all look forward to the day of our coronation and receiving our crown of glory. God bless you!

Be A Careful Witness

I have four very good friends. We have known each other for over 20 years and have been through many things together: births of children; deaths of family members; job changes; multiple moves; and many long serious conversations. We have tried to make the most of every opportunity to talk about God’s work in our lives. The importance of being God’s ambassadors is not lost on us. Colossians 4:6 says, “Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” We know God’s work is not complete and the answer is in God’s hands. I pray that each of us will be committed to doing God’s work by letting our conversation be full of grace and seasoned with salt. God bless you today!

Hope Dawns Tomorrow

It was Saturday and the Apostles and believers were incredibly disheartened, because on Friday their Lord had been brutally beaten and crucified and they had lost all hope. Little did they know that tomorrow, Praise God, tomorrow was a new day and a new hope of the Resurrection. Luke 24 tells us of the angels saying in Verse 6: “He is not here, but is risen…” We have that same hope! 1 Corinthians 6:14 tells us: “And God hath both raised up the Lord and will also raise up us by his own power.” On Easter Sunday, let’s remember the cost Jesus paid for us and praise Him for His resurrection power. God bless you!

He Knows Your Name!

As an amateur astronomer I can name several constellations by sight, but God can name them all. He even mentions Orion in Amos 5:8. God has created many galaxies in our ever-expanding universe. Our Milky Way galaxy is placed with approximately one hundred thousand others in a super cluster called Laniakea. If the universe is that big, imagine how enormous is our God; and in the midst of creating all these galaxies, He created us! We were not an afterthought, we are part of His perfect plan. Psalm 147:4 says, “He telleth the number of stars; he calleth them all by name.” Just a he knows the names of the stars, he knows our names. Even though we are a small part of God’s creations, God cares deeply for us and I care for you as well. God bless you!

Up, Up and Away

In the early 1960’s Americans stared at the night sky watching a space capsule carrying a monkey circle the earth. Since then, because of man’s fascination with the heavens, we have gone to space, traveled to the moon and back, created space shuttles and space stations and sent probes to the deepest part of our galaxy. Now, if you can afford it, the average human can spend six hours flying into space viewing what God has created below them. Want the greatest news? We who are believers will one day see that for free! 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 says “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” That is my kind of space flight! God bless you.

Fear Not!

We live in a scary world. We have witnessed terrorism in our own country, our televisions show us violence and hatred from all over the world, we see genocide in Ukraine and a madmen in North Korea firing missiles capable of reaching us. We live in an uncertain time and an uncertain world full of apprehension and anxiety.  Jesus said in Matthew 28:10 “Do not be afraid” and in Luke 24:36 he said “Peace to you.” So what do we do? When we know the one who controls it all we have nothing to fear, let’s focus instead on our steadfast Savior,  amen? God bless you!

When We ALL Get To Heaven

I have a beloved friend. Yes, I have human friends, but I am speaking about my pet. I have had several pass away in the past couple of years and one who is very old in human years. I have grieved over their passing and have wondered if I would see them in Heaven. Most people would say the answer is no because they don’t have souls. However, Isaiah 11:6 gives me hope when it says “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.” So, knowing that scripture tell me that animals will be there gives me hope that I will see my friends again. God cares for all his creation. I hope to see my pets there and I hope to see you there someday too. God bless you!

How Do You Handle Trouble?

Trouble can be a good thing or a bad thing. It can harden our heart and make us angry and bitter or it can bring us closer to God and strengthen our trust in Him. Even when Jesus was going to the cross for us he was trusting in his Father. Psalm 73:26 teaches us “My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.” When trials come – and they will – put your trust in Him. God bless you!

Go On – Admit it

Part of being reconciled to God is admitting that we are wrong and He is always right. All He seeks is our humble confession of guilt. In Nehemiah 9:33 the Israelites freely admitted this point when they said, “Howbeit thou are just in all that is brought upon us; for thou hast done right, but we have done wickedly.” We essentially say the same thing to God when we repent. If God says our actions are wrong, we must also say it. I’m glad we serve a forgiving God who is always right. God bless you today!

Take Time to Pray

How many of us get up in the morning, say our prayers, and go on with our day? We miss some great opportunities to speak with our heavenly Father. Try praying when taking a walk, when you are driving to work (keep your eyes open), or when you are just sitting. When you say you’ll pray for someone, do it right then, in person or over the phone. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says “Pray without ceasing.” So let’s do it. God bless you and God bless Israel!

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